Submitting jobs
To cater to users from different knowledge backgrounds with different preferences, we provide various ways to use the cluster's resources.
SLURM is our job scheduler. Basically, when you need computing resources, you submit a job. The system will then verify your request and your quota, your job will be submitted to the SLURM queue when it is valid. Based on an evaluated priority, SLURM decides when and where your job will be executed.
We highly recommend you read the Quick Start User Guide to get yourself familiar with the basic design and usage of SLURM.
Besides using the command line interface to submit jobs, we have several quick jobs to get you the resources with a little learning effort. This way suits people that are more comfortable working with GUI.
You can request a Jupyter server of any size and connect to it without further authentication in a few clicks. Before that, We will prepare the environment first. We will leverage Anaconda3 here. Log in to the console and type the commands below:
module load Anaconda3/2022.05 conda create -y --name myenv jupyter
Login to the web portal,