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Nvidia Modulus Symbolic(Modulus Sym) Workflow and Example

A typical workflow followed when developing in Modulus Sym.



This is a configuration package designed to empower users in configuring hyperparameters. These hyperparameters determine the structure and training behavior of neural networks. Users can conveniently set these hyperparameters using YAML configuration files, a human-readable text format. Hydra plays the role of the first component initiated when addressing a problem with Modulus Sym. It wields influence across all aspects of Modulus Sym.

Geometry and Data 

Modulus Sym offers a dual approach for solving physics simulation challenges – a blend of physics-based knowledge and data-driven machine learning. Both these approaches revolve around transforming the physics problem into a mathematical optimization puzzle. The core of this problem exists within a specific geometry and dataset. Modulus Sym provides a flexible geometry module, allowing users to either create a new geometry from scratch using basic shapes or import existing geometries from mesh. In scenarios involving data-driven solutions, Modulus Sym offers diverse ways to access data, including standard in-memory datasets and resource-efficient lazy-loading methods for handling extensive datasets.


Within Modulus Sym, Nodes play a key role by representing components executed during the forward pass of training. A Node encapsulates a torch.nn.Module, providing  input and output details. This attribute enables Modulus Sym to construct execution graphs and automatically fill in missing elements, essential for computing necessary derivatives. Nodes can encompass various elements, such as PyTorch neural networks natively integrated into Modulus Sym, user-defined PyTorch networks, feature transformations, and even equations.


The Domain is a central role by encompassing not only all the Constraints but also supplementary elements essential for the training journey. These supplementary components consist of Inferencers, Validators, and Monitors. As developers engage with Modulus Sym, the Constraints defined by the user are seamlessly integrated into the training Domain. This combinated results in the formation of a comprehensive assembly of training objectives, laying the foundation for a cohesive and purposeful training process.


Constraints serve as the training goals. Each Constraint encompasses the loss function and a collection of Nodes, which Modulus Sym utilizes to construct a computational graph for execution. Numerous physical challenges require multiple training objectives to comprehensively define the problem. Constraints play a pivotal role in structuring such scenarios, offering the mechanism to establish these intricate problem setups.


An Inferencer primarily performs the forward pass of a set of Nodes. During training, Inferencers can be employed to evaluate training metrics or obtain predictions for visualization or deployment purposes. The frequency at which Inferencers are invoked is governed by Hydra configuration settings.


Validators function similarly to Inferencers but also incorporate validation data. Their role involves quantifying the model's accuracy during training by comparing it against physical outcomes generated through alternative methods. This "validation" phase verifies whether Modulus Sym meets operational requirements by comparing its computed simulation results to established known result.


Monitors function similarly to Inferencers but also calculate specific measures instead of fields. These measures may encompass global quantities like total energy or local measurements like pressure in front of a bluff body (a distinctive shape with unique fluid dynamics attributes). Monitors are seamlessly integrated into Tensorboard results for easy visualization. Furthermore, Monitor outcomes can be exported to a text file in comma-separated values (CSV) format.


A Solver stands as a core component within Modulus Sym, responsible for implementing the optimization loop and overseeing the training process. By taking a predefined Domain, the Solver orchestrates the execution of Constraints, Inferencers, Validators, and Monitors as needed. In each iteration, the Solver calculates the overall loss from all Constraints and then refines any trainable models within the Nodes associated with the Constraints.

Modulus Sym Development Workflow

The key steps of general workflow include:

  • "Load Hydra": Initialize Hydra using the Modulus Sym main decorator to read in the YAML configuration file.

  • "Load Datasets": Load data if needed.

  • "Define Geometry": Define the geometry of the system if needed.

  • "Create Nodes": Create any Nodes required, such as the neural network model.

  • "Create Domain": Create a training Domain object.

  • "Create Constraint" and "Add Constraint to Domain"

  • "Create {Validator, Inferencer, Monitor}" and "Add {Validator, Inferencer, Monitor} to Domain": Create any Inferencers, Validators or Monitors needed, and add them to the Domain.

  • "Create Solver": Initialize a Solver with the populated training Domain.

  • "Run Solver": Run the Solver. The resulting training process optimizes the neural network to solve the physics problem.

Modulus Training

Screenshot from 2023-08-09 11-28-30.png

• Modulus enables the representation of complex problems using sets of constraints, serving as training objectives.
• In constraints, the integration of multiple nodes or models allows for the acquisition of diverse loss functions—ranging from data-driven to physics-driven in nature.
• Seamlessly exporting the outcomes of trained models to visualization software becomes effortlessly achievable with Modulus.


In the following section, we will solve the "Fluid Flow", "Parameterized Problem" and "Inverse Problem" with same geometry condition. All the examples will be demonstrate under OAsis portal, the job specification would be 4 CPU cores, 8GB Memory, 1g.10gb GPU. The conda environment need to setup completed as this articale.

A 2D chip is placed inside a 2D channel. The flow enters the inlet (a parabolic profile is used with  𝑢𝑚𝑎𝑥=1.5 m/s ) and exits through the outlet which is a  0𝑃𝑎 . All the other walls are treated as no-slip. The kinematic viscosity  (𝜈) for the flow is  0.02 𝑚2/𝑠 and the density  (𝜌) is  1 𝑘𝑔/𝑚3 . The problem is shown in the figure below.


Fluid Flow Problem

The main objective of this problem is to correctly formulate the problem using PINNs. In order to achieve that, you will have to complete the following parts successfully:

  1. Define the correct geometry for the problem
  2. Set up the correct boundary conditions and equations
  3. Create the neural network and solve the problem

A successful completion of the problem should result in distribution of flow variables as shown below. Also, you should aim to achieve a relative  𝐿2 error of less than 0.2 for all the variables w.r.t the given OpenFOAM solution.


Create the directory structure as below:





2D_chip_fluid0.csv (unzip 2D_chip_fluid0.tar.xz file) File

Let us start with importing the required packages. Pay attention to the various modules and packages that are being imported, especially the equations, geometry and architectures.

For more build in equations, geometry and architectures, please refer Modulus Sym Equations, Modulus Sym Geometry and Architectures In Modulus Sym

import numpy as np
from sympy import Symbol, Eq

import modulus.sym
from modulus.sym.hydra import to_absolute_path, ModulusConfig, instantiate_arch
from import csv_to_dict
from modulus.sym.solver import Solver
from modulus.sym.domain import Domain
from modulus.sym.geometry.primitives_2d import Rectangle, Line, Channel2D
from modulus.sym.utils.sympy.functions import parabola
from modulus.sym.eq.pdes.navier_stokes import NavierStokes
from modulus.sym.eq.pdes.basic import NormalDotVec
from modulus.sym.domain.constraint import (

from modulus.sym.domain.validator import PointwiseValidator
from modulus.sym.key import Key
from modulus.sym.node import Node

Now, define the Nodes for the computational graph, appropriate PDEs, simulation parameters and generate the geometry. You will be using the NavierStokes class from the PDEs module for imposing the PDE constraints of this problem.

@modulus.sym.main(config_path="conf", config_name="config")
def run(cfg: ModulusConfig) -> None:

    # make list of nodes to unroll graph on
    ns = NavierStokes(nu=0.02, rho=1.0, dim=2, time=False)
    normal_dot_vel = NormalDotVec(["u", "v"])
    flow_net = instantiate_arch(
        input_keys=[Key("x"), Key("y")],
        output_keys=[Key("u"), Key("v"), Key("p")],
        frequencies=("axis", [i / 2 for i in range(8)]),
        frequencies_params=("axis", [i / 2 for i in range(8)]),
    nodes = (
        + normal_dot_vel.make_nodes()
        + [flow_net.make_node(name="flow_network", jit=cfg.jit)]

Next, you will be using the 2D geometry modules for this example.  Remember, Channel2D and Rectangle are defined by its two endpoints. The difference between a channel and rectangle in Modulus is that, the channel geometry does not have bounding curves in the x-direction. This is helpful in getting a signed distance field that is infinite in x-direction. This can be important when the signed distance field is used as a wall distance in some of the turbulence models (Refer Modulus User Documentation for more details). Hence, we will create the inlet and outlet using Line geometry (Please note that this is a 2d line, as opposed to the Line1D that was used in the diffusion tutorial)

Also note the geo_lr and geo_hr as two separate geometries. These are primarily constructed to vary the sampling between different areas of the geometry. The idea of having different sampling density for the points in different areas, allows us to sample more points closer to the heatsink (where we expect a larger variation in the flow field). There are multiple ways in which this variable sampling can be achieved and here we take one of the simplest approach where we create two different geometry elements for the high resolution and low resolution.

    # add constraints to solver
    # simulation params
    channel_length = (-2.5, 2.5)
    channel_width = (-0.5, 0.5)
    chip_pos = -1.0
    chip_height = 0.6
    chip_width = 1.0
    inlet_vel = 1.5

    # define sympy variables to parametrize domain curves
    x, y = Symbol("x"), Symbol("y")

    # define geometry
    channel = Channel2D(
        (channel_length[0], channel_width[0]), (channel_length[1], channel_width[1])
    inlet = Line(
        (channel_length[0], channel_width[0]),
        (channel_length[0], channel_width[1]),
    outlet = Line(
        (channel_length[1], channel_width[0]),
        (channel_length[1], channel_width[1]),
    rec = Rectangle(
        (chip_pos, channel_width[0]),
        (chip_pos + chip_width, channel_width[0] + chip_height),
    flow_rec = Rectangle(
        (chip_pos - 0.25, channel_width[0]),
        (chip_pos + chip_width + 0.25, channel_width[1]),
    geo = channel - rec
    geo_hr = geo & flow_rec
    geo_lr = geo - flow_rec

The current problem is a channel flow with an incompressible fluid. In such cases, the mass flow rate through each cross-section of the channel and in turn the volumetric flow is constant. This can be used as an additional constraint in the problem which will help us in improving the speed of convergence.

Wherever, possible, using such additional knowledge about the problem can help in better and faster solutions. More examples of this can be found in the Modulus User Documentation.

    x_pos = Symbol("x_pos")
    integral_line = Line((x_pos, channel_width[0]), (x_pos, channel_width[1]), 1)
    x_pos_range = {
        x_pos: lambda batch_size: np.full(
            (batch_size, 1), np.random.uniform(channel_length[0], channel_length[1])

Now you will use the created geometry to define the training constraints for the problem. Implement the required boundary conditions and equations below. Remember that you will have to create constraints for both for the boundary condition and to reduce the equation residuals. You can refer to the NavierStokes class from the PDEs module to check how the equations are defined, and the keys required for each equation.

Now use this understanding to define the problem. An example of the inlet boundary condition is shown. Also, the integral continuity constraint is already coded up for you.

    # make domain
    domain = Domain()

    # inlet
    inlet_parabola = parabola(y, channel_width[0], channel_width[1], inlet_vel)
    inlet = PointwiseBoundaryConstraint(
        outvar={"u": inlet_parabola, "v": 0},
    domain.add_constraint(inlet, "inlet")

    # outlet
    outlet = PointwiseBoundaryConstraint(
        outvar={"p": 0},
        criteria=Eq(x, channel_length[1]),
    domain.add_constraint(outlet, "outlet")

    # no slip
    no_slip = PointwiseBoundaryConstraint(
        outvar={"u": 0, "v": 0},
    domain.add_constraint(no_slip, "no_slip")

    # interior lr
    interior_lr = PointwiseInteriorConstraint(
        outvar={"continuity": 0, "momentum_x": 0, "momentum_y": 0},
        bounds={x: channel_length, y: channel_width},
            "continuity": 2 * Symbol("sdf"),
            "momentum_x": 2 * Symbol("sdf"),
            "momentum_y": 2 * Symbol("sdf"),
    domain.add_constraint(interior_lr, "interior_lr")

    # interior hr
    interior_hr = PointwiseInteriorConstraint(
        outvar={"continuity": 0, "momentum_x": 0, "momentum_y": 0},
        bounds={x: channel_length, y: channel_width},
            "continuity": 2 * Symbol("sdf"),
            "momentum_x": 2 * Symbol("sdf"),
            "momentum_y": 2 * Symbol("sdf"),
    domain.add_constraint(interior_hr, "interior_hr")

    # integral continuity
    def integral_criteria(invar, params):
        sdf = geo.sdf(invar, params)
        return np.greater(sdf["sdf"], 0)

    integral_continuity = IntegralBoundaryConstraint(
        outvar={"normal_dot_vel": 1},
        lambda_weighting={"normal_dot_vel": 1},
    domain.add_constraint(integral_continuity, "integral_continuity")

Now, add validation data to the problem. The openfoam directory that contains the solution of same problem using OpenFOAM solver. The CSV file is read in and converted to a dictionary for you. 

    # add validation data
    mapping = {"Points:0": "x", "Points:1": "y", "U:0": "u", "U:1": "v", "p": "p"}
    openfoam_var = csv_to_dict(to_absolute_path("openfoam/2D_chip_fluid0.csv"), mapping)
    openfoam_var["x"] -= 2.5  # normalize pos
    openfoam_var["y"] -= 0.5
    openfoam_invar_numpy = {
        key: value for key, value in openfoam_var.items() if key in ["x", "y"]
    openfoam_outvar_numpy = {
        key: value for key, value in openfoam_var.items() if key in ["u", "v", "p"]
    openfoam_validator = PointwiseValidator(
        invar=openfoam_invar_numpy, true_outvar=openfoam_outvar_numpy, nodes=nodes

Now, complete the last part of the code by creating the Solver to solve the problem. The important hyperparameters of the problem are defined for you in the config file. Feel free to tweak them and observe its behavior on the results and speed of convergence.

    # make solver
    slv = Solver(cfg, domain)

    # start solver

if __name__ == "__main__":

you can execute it by "python". Record your relative L2 errors with respect to the OpenFOAM solution and try to achieve errors for all the variables lower than 0.2. Also try to visualize your results using contour plots by reading in the .npz files created in the network checkpoint.