AI painting with stable diffusion
There are 80GB A100 GPUs in the OAsis cluster. We will leverage it to play around with the stable diffusion model. Stable diffusion is a generative AI model which supports text-to-image generation, image-to-image generation, and image inpainting.
If you are interested in all the technical details, you may check out the original paper here.
This model is so popular the community is growing extremely fast. Because it can constantly produce stunning output with trivial computing power, end users may train an extra network or an embedding to vastly affect the output. There is also a platform called Civitai for users to share their models.
In this exercise, we will use the DreamShaper model.
The model is 5.6 GB large. To ease your journey, we have already placed it in /pfss/toolkit/stable-diffusion. You may use it directly without downloading.
Prepare the Conda environmentenvironment.
# we'll use the scratch file system here since model files are large
# check out the webui from git
git clone
# create a symbolic link to load the DreamShaper model
# since DreamShaper is a base model, place it to the models/Stable-diffusion folder
ln -s /pfss/toolkit/stable-diffusion/dreamshaper4bakedvae.WZEK.safetensors \
# create the conda environment
cd stable-diffusion-webui
module load Anaconda3/2022.05
conda create --name StableDiffusionWebui python=3.10.6
Prepare the quick job script for launching in the portal
Create a file start-sdwebui.sbatch in your home folder with the content below.
#!/bin/bash -le
#SBATCH --time=0-03:00:00
#SBATCH --output=sdwebui.out
desc: Start a stable diffusion web ui
- code: node
display: Node
type: node
required: true
placeholder: Please select a node
cpu: 8
mem: 16
module load Anaconda3/2022.05 CUDA GCCcore git
source activate StableDiffusionWebui
cd $SCRATCH/stable-diffusion-webui
port=$(hc acquire-port -j $SLURM_JOB_ID -u web --host $host -l WebUI)
./ --listen --port $port