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Quick jobs

Quick job is one of our web portal's features. It is an excellent way to unify and speed up your team's workflow. For example, you may define what computing resources are required, what software to use, and where the output goes. You may also expose options to your teammate to fine-tune an individual run.

Quick jobs are typical .sbatch scripts. The portal will open a job launcher window when one clicks a .sbatch file. Then you customize the launcher behavior by optional metadata.

Below is a multi-GPU deep reinforcement learning task with a custom description and several exposed options.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

#SBATCH -J sac
#SBATCH -o sac.out
#SBATCH -p gpu
#SBATCH -n 8
#SBATCH -c 4
#SBATCH --gpus-per-task a100:1
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=16000

desc: Train a Soft Actor Critic (sac) model on OpenAI Gym environments.
  - code: env_id
    display: Environment Id
    type: dropdown
    default: BipedalWalker-v3
      - BipedalWalker-v3
      - LunarLanderContinuous-v2
      - AntBulletEnv-v0
      - InvertedPendulumBulletEnv-v0
      - CartPoleContinuousBulletEnv-v0
      - PongNoFrameskip-v4
    required: true
  - code: num_threads
    display: Number of threads
    type: text
    default: 8
    required: true
  - code: max_episodes
    display: Max episodes
    type: text
    default: 1000
    required: true
  - code: reward_scale
    display: Reward scale
    type: text
    default: 2
    required: true
  - code: alpha
    display: Alpha, learning rate of the actor network
    type: text
    default: 0.0003
    required: true
  - code: beta
    display: Beta, learning rate of the critic network
    type: text
    default: 0.0003
    required: true
  - code: tau
    display: Tau, the rate of updating the target value (the softness)
    type: text
    default: 0.005
    required: true
  - code: batch_size
    display: Batch size
    type: text
    default: 256
    required: true
  - code: layer1_size
    display: Layer1 size
    type: text
    default: 256
    required: true
  - code: layer2_size
    display: Layer2 size
    type: text
    default: 256
    required: true
extra_desc: |+
  output model will be stored in ./sac_model
  loss for each episode is plotted to ./sac_loss.png

module load GCC/11.3.0 OpenMPI/4.1.4

mpiexec singularity exec --nv \
  --env env_id=%env_id% \
  --env num_threads=%num_threads% \
  --env max_episodes=%max_episodes% \
  --env reward_scale=%reward_scale% \
  --env alpha=%alpha% \
  --env beta=%beta% \
  --env tau=%tau% \
  --env batch_size=%batch_size% \
  --env layer1_size=%layer1_size% \
  --env layer2_size=%layer2_size% \
  /pfss/scratch02/appcara/gym.sif python

There is a section colored orange that defines how it interfaces with users. It is in YAML format and consists of three sub-sections: desc, inputs, and optional extra_desc. The job launcher will look likerenders the following:below form to capture the user's input. The system expects placeholders in format %input_code% in the file content and will replace them with the user input.


The built-in quick jobs

The three built-in quick jobs discussed in the previous section are also made of the above syntax. You may find them in the parallel file system.

  • Jupyter Lab in /pfss/toolkit/start_jupyter.sbatch
  • VNC in /pfss/toolkit/start_vnc.sbatch
  • Run container in /pfss/toolkit/run_container.sbatch