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Quick jobs

When the built-in software doesn't fit your needs, feel free to bring your software to the cluster. This article covers how you can do this in Lmod and containers and how to share it with your teammates.


First, please study the official Lmod guide about Personal Modulefiles. Then we recommend you place your software and modulefiles in the group scratch file set. Make sure to make all directories and files readable by your group. If you don't want your teammate to modify it, make it writable only by the owner.

Following is an example of compiling git 2.38.1 and adding it as a custom module:

# define where to put our software and modulefiles

# download source code and compile
tar xf git-2.38.1.tar.gz
cd git-2.38.1
./configure --prefix=$PKGPATH/git/2.38.1
make && make install

# setup the module file
mkdir -p $MODPATH/git
cat > $MODPATH/git/2.38.1.lua <<EOF
local home    = "/pfss/scratch02/appcara"
local version = myModuleVersion()
local pkgName = myModuleName()
local pkg     = pathJoin(home, "pkg", pkgName, version, "bin")
prepend_path("PATH", pkg)

Now everyone who has access to your group scratch directory can use your new module with the following commands.

# use the custom module path
module use /pfss/scratch02/appcara/modulefiles

# check if our git is available
module avail git

# load the module and test
module load git/2.38.1
git --version   # you should see git version 2.38.1


The cluster is using Singularity. Containers are .sif files on the file system. You may extend ours, download from the internet or build your containers from scratch. Below lists a few ways to prepare software containers.

We recommend placing your custom images in the containers directory in your home or group scratch folder. So you and your teammate can see them in the web portal.

Pull from the internet

There are tons of container images on the internet. You may want to start by searching from some repositories:

Below are some examples of pulling containers from the above public repositories.

# put in the containers folder so web portal can see them
mkdir ~/containers
cd ~/containers

# Singularity Hub
singularity pull rstudio.3.4.4.sif shub://mjstealey/rstudio

# Singularity Cloud Library
singularity pull alpine.3.15.3.sif library://alpine:latest

# Docker Hub
singularity pull julia.1.8.2.sif docker://julia:alpine3.16

singularity pull pytorch.22.09-py3.sif docker://
Extend a built-in image

Sometimes we may want to prepare our image. The following example shows how to extend the built-in PyTorch image by installing some python packages.

First, let's create a gym.def file to instruct singularity on how to build our new image.

BootStrap: localimage
From: /pfss/containers/pytorch.22.09-py3.sif

    pip install gym==0.24.1 gym[atari,accept-rom-license]==0.24.1
    pip install atari-py==0.2.9 pybullet==3.2.5

We are simply leveraging the pytorch.22.09 image and install the Gym library from OpenAI for reinforcement learning studies.

If you want to learn more about how to customize your image. Please study the official documentation.

Next, we will run the below commands to build the image.

singularity build gym.sif gym.def

# verify if our image is working
singularity exec gym.sif pip list

# move it to the containers folder, then we can run it in the web portal
mkdir -p ~/containers
mv gym.sif ~/containers

Quick job

Quick job is one of our web portal's features. It is an excellent way to unify and speed up your team's workflow. For example, you may define what computing resources are required, what software to use, and where the output goes. You may also expose options to your teammate to fine-tune an individual run.

Quick jobs are typical .sbatch scripts. The portal will open a job launcher window when one clicks a .sbatch file. Then you customize the launcher behavior by optional metadata.

Below is a multi-GPU deep reinforcement learning task with a custom description and several exposed options.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

#SBATCH -J sac
#SBATCH -o sac.out
#SBATCH -p gpu
#SBATCH -n 8
#SBATCH -c 4
#SBATCH --gpus-per-task a100:1
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=16000

desc: Train a Soft Actor Critic (sac) model on OpenAI Gym environments.
  - code: env_id
    display: Environment Id
    type: dropdown
    default: BipedalWalker-v3
      - BipedalWalker-v3
      - LunarLanderContinuous-v2
      - AntBulletEnv-v0
      - InvertedPendulumBulletEnv-v0
      - CartPoleContinuousBulletEnv-v0
      - PongNoFrameskip-v4
    required: true
  - code: num_threads
    display: Number of threads
    type: text
    default: 8
    required: true
  - code: max_episodes
    display: Max episodes
    type: text
    default: 1000
    required: true
  - code: reward_scale
    display: Reward scale
    type: text
    default: 2
    required: true
  - code: alpha
    display: Alpha, learning rate of the actor network
    type: text
    default: 0.0003
    required: true
  - code: beta
    display: Beta, learning rate of the critic network
    type: text
    default: 0.0003
    required: true
  - code: tau
    display: Tau, the rate of updating the target value (the softness)
    type: text
    default: 0.005
    required: true
  - code: batch_size
    display: Batch size
    type: text
    default: 256
    required: true
  - code: layer1_size
    display: Layer1 size
    type: text
    default: 256
    required: true
  - code: layer2_size
    display: Layer2 size
    type: text
    default: 256
    required: true
extra_desc: |+
  output model will be stored in ./sac_model
  loss for each episode is plotted to ./sac_loss.png

module load GCC/11.3.0 OpenMPI/4.1.4

mpiexec singularity exec --nv \
  --env env_id=%env_id% \
  --env num_threads=%num_threads% \
  --env max_episodes=%max_episodes% \
  --env reward_scale=%reward_scale% \
  --env alpha=%alpha% \
  --env beta=%beta% \
  --env tau=%tau% \
  --env batch_size=%batch_size% \
  --env layer1_size=%layer1_size% \
  --env layer2_size=%layer2_size% \
  /pfss/scratch02/appcara/gym.sif python

The job launcher will look like the following:
